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5 Proven Ways to Get More Buyers for Your House


1) Facebook Pixel

Facebook pixels is one of the MOST POWERFUL analytics tool in social media right now. It ensures our ads are shown to the people most likely to take action.

Using the pixel data, we are able to target ready buyers by building Custom Audiences.

stand out.jpg

2) Unique-Selling-Point Videos instead of Home Tour Videos

Selling a property is no longer taking a few photos and posting it on property portals and waiting for things to happen.​ Your house needs to stand out among the thousands of other houses that's also on the market.

BUT we DO NOT do a run-by-the-mill home tour videos that you see everywhere. That's not effective.

Instead, our home videos focus on the Unique-Selling-Point of each house.

Here's an example of our USP Home Video:


We provide USP Home Videos for ALL our Clients.​​


3) Pricing Strategy - Be careful with this one because it takes skills to pull it off 

Find out what your home is worth, then shave 5% to 10% off the price.


Yes you read this right! You’ll be bombarded by buyers with multiple bids and they’ll bid up the price to what it’s worth. It takes real skills and most sellers just can't imagine negotiating upwards can be possible, but it’s the single best strategy to sell a property.

This UE Square condo was sold using this strategy. Read it here:

This Sengkang EA was sold using this strategy. Read it here:


4) Targetted Behaviour / Demographics / Location / Interests

What does this mean? A user who has been searching online for houses, interior design firms (Behaviour) has a higher chance of being a potential buyer. Narrow it down to where the user is staying (Location), marital status (Demographics) and the potential of the buyer becomes much higher.


Every house is unique and thus requires Custom Audience Targeting which helps you to increase your reach to more people who are likely to buy your house.

This 2 houses was sold using our Custom Audience Targeting.

Read it here:


5) Audience Reach

Which pool of buyers so you prefer to have? The one on the left or right?

Our Social Media Marketing Campaigns has reach of up to 200,000* audiences.

There are so much more that we can share with you.

Speak to us to discuss the Right Marketing Angle for your property. 

Allen 9796 7670 / Janet 9623 6164

AllenJanetProperty of Propnex


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