With The U.P.S Matrix System, our buyers have a clear understanding on the property market.
Making their new purchase in full confidence as a personalized plan has been specially tailored to suit their needs & financial standing.
This couple was fixed on buying a resale freehold property at first. But after we analysed the ROI with them on their ‘ideal’ property, they realized what they thought is a good buy can be risky & doesn't make financial sense at all.
Using our U.P.S Matrix System™ has enabled them to analyze their options based on real facts, not emotional or hearsay opinions.
The facts show them that this 99yr leasehold property will be so much safer to put their money where capital appreciation will be much better.
It helped them to realize the value of a fantastic project instead of a resale unit is more worth it.
As always, glad that our work & our U.P.S Matrix system can preserve wealth for our clients through the right properties with safe planning.
Your property needs are unique, your journey & future are uniquely yours. That's why we tailor-made the best solutions to suit each individual.
Most importantly it must be using the least funds to achieve the best results with the lowest risk.
Like a session to help you have a clear understanding of the market?
Get in touch,
Janet Ow & Allen Wee
📱9623 6164