Prive@Punggol Sold In Just 3 Months!
Our review for Allen & Janet is more than 100% positive!
When my husband and I were planning to sell our property, we were not sure which agent to engage.
We were very careful in our selection because we were worried that what if we ended up selling our property for less than what it is really worth, we wanted to make sure we are able to sell it at the best price.
One day we came across Janet’s Mediacorp TV interview on Facebook and we were also very impressed by their results and their clients’ positive reviews on them.
After watching their clients’ sharing videos, we had the assurance so we took the initiative to call Janet.
Without any delay, they came to meet us to explain everything in details to us. It was smooth sailing from beginning till end.
They sold our property at a very good price in just 2 months – to us that is an achievement because our property is not exactly the easiest one because:
1) Not on high floor
2) Not the premium stack facing
3) Very near the BBQ pit
4) Faced with competition from many units also for sale in our project & nearby projects too
We are very happy with their service, we highly recommend both of them.
From, Yongkai & Ashley, Prive